Innovation & Cooperation in Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering Association

Asia's second largest jacket, Panyu 34-1 settles into water

date: Jun 30, 13 views: 2221

On July 29th, Asia’s second largest jacket, the South China Sea deepwater oil and gas field Panyu 34-1 jacket successfully settled int0 water in 28 seconds. It is 203.5 meters tall--1.7 meters taller than “Liwan 3-1” jacket and weighs 24,000 tons.

"Panyu 34-1" is the second largest deepwater oil and gas field following “Liwan 3-1”. It is 256 kilometers away from the northeast of Zhuhai, and about 30 kilometers away from the central platform of “Liwan 3-1”. The average operating depth is 195 meters. “Panyu 34-1” consists of 16 8-legged jackets, an upper part which can accommodate 120 people for life, and a 33.1-kilometers-long subsea pipeline with a diameter of 14 inches. The weight of the jacket and the other blocks is near 40,000 tons.  

[Picture 1] The jacket is sliding into water
[Picture 2] The whole view of “Panyu34-1”

[Picture 1] The jacket is sliding int0 water
[Picture 2] The whole view of “Panyu34-1”