Innovation & Cooperation in Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering Association

International Competitiveness Have Been Enhanced Attributed To Three Key Technical Breakthroughs

date: Dec 06, 13 views: 2204

---HEU Participated in Chinese Independent Design of 100-meter-deep Jack-up Drilling Platform

Currently, the project for designing jack-up drilling platform with depth of 120 meters and above was highly admired by Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People’s Republic of China (with MIIT as its acronym), which was designed by certain institutions and colleges, including HEU and Dalian Shipbuilding Industry Co., Ltd. (with DSIC as its acronym). The success of bidding for orders marks the corporation’s technical ability to have turnkey contracts, and also means China has got rid of the situation that the design of Chinese large jack-up drilling platform with depth over 100 meters depended on foreign technologies, improving Chinese international competitiveness and market share in the fields of large jack-up drilling platform in an all-round way.

This project aims at the modern mainstream structural forms and functional configurations of large jack-up drilling platform, breaking through the key technologies of designing and manufacturing. The research work was carried out through dividing the project into five special subjects consisting, of general designing technology research, structural designing technology research, core equipment configuration and system designing technology research, general manufacturing and accuracy controlling technology and designing standard research. Certain technologies has been captured such as the proofing technology of general capability and main scale for large jack-up drilling platform and the designing technology of piled structure formation and intensity. All of these technologies make the corporation possess the turnkey and independently designing capacity for the jack-up drilling platform with depth of 120 meters and above.

Structural Mechanics of Ship and Ocean Engineering Institute of HEU has been cooperated with DSIC, 702 Institute and CPOE during the process of research. HEU has undertaken the research of three key technologies independently, including the analysis of vibration and noise of platform, the analysis of environmental designing figures and general structural safety and the analysis of weariness of piled legs. Several technical breakthroughs have been made by the team of HEU during the independent research and vast achievements of innovation have been reached. For example, the design of formation and intensity of piled legs and the election and proof of environmental figures which can satisfy the ocean situation have been broken through; the forecasting of the static and dynamic burden of slender components of piled legs and the forecasting of burden of platform coming from wind and waves have been realized; the joint probability model of wind and waves figures based on the reappearing period of platform has been put forward, realizing the definition of environmentally safe areas which provided a convenience for the check of platform’s movements and the analysis of applicable seas; the technologies of analyzing and proofing the response of vibration and the technology of estimating the forecasting of noise in cabin have been solved; the technology of spot test on noise has been accomplished.

Structural Mechanics of Ship and Ocean Engineering Institute of HEU mainly engages in the relevant theoretical research of structural mechanics of ship and ocean engineering as well as the application of engineering. Some research fields of this institute ranks the first class in China.