Innovation & Cooperation in Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering Association

China First Subsea Template's Independent Installation Succeed

date: Mar 20, 14 views: 2318

On March 17th, Offshore Oil Ship 201, a crane ship for pipelaying in deepwater, completed the hoisting task - Fanyu 35-1/2 No. PLEM-2. The depth is 275m with proper position error and angle error. This is the first successful subsea template installation task finished by our own.

Subsea template is a kind of common manifold facilities used in deepwater marine engineering. Its main function, similar to wellhead platform, is colleting the oil and gas resources from the wellhead to pipelines laying in ocean. Compare to wellhead platform, subsea template cut the cost of equipment building, avoid the difficulty in building and installing wellhead platform in deep water area and furthermore extend the equipment’s life.

Picture: Offshore Oil Ship 201 is working.