Innovation & Cooperation in Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering Association

The Center Employed American Marine Engineering Expert Kingis El Tekin as Visiting Professor

date: Apr 17, 14 views: 2191

On the afternoon of April 16th, current professor Kingis El Tekin of the marine engineering department of Manoa Subordinate of Hawaii University was hired as a visiting professor in the Center of Harbin Engineering University. HEU President Liu Zhigang attended the appointment ceremony, wore the school badge for him and conferred the letter of employment.

Kingis El Tekin, won the doctor degree of University of California at Berkeley in 1984, is one of the expert group members of USA ASME and a member of society of naval engineers as well as the editor in chief of Marine Engineering and Marine Energy Journal magazine. Mainly engaged in the study of water dynamics, he has published nearly 200 research achievements. In the past 3 years, he has published 19 papers, most of which are high quality SCI articles.