Innovation & Cooperation in Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering Association

2021 International Challenge on Ocean Targets Intelligent Perception (ICOTIP 2021)

date: Sep 30, 21 views: 2182


Sponsored by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the People’s Government of Fujian Province, and undertaken by the Chinese Society of Naval Architect and Marine Engineers, Innovation & Cooperation in Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering Association (ICNAME), and Harbin Engineering University, the Qualification Trials of the 2nd Contest of Promoting BRICS Cooperation in Industrial Innovation (BRICSIIC) & 2021 International Challenge on Ocean Targets Intelligent Perception (ICOTIP) were held online in July, 2021. BRICSIIC consists of a series of contest tracks including ICOTIP. The ICOTIP is constituted of qualification trial and the final contest. Through intelligent perception evaluation of marine targets, advanced algorithms and technologies were discovered and a talent exchange platform for artificial intelligence and intelligent oceans were built. Besides, by accelerating the development and application innovation of intelligent technologies in marine field, we have promoted the sustainable development of human beings.