Innovation & Cooperation in Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering Association

Platform System of Ship Digital Twin Software

A Joint Industry Project (JIP) for platform of ship digital twin[SDT] is proposed. Combining the technological advantages of both parties, the goal of the project is to build a dynamic virtual twin system for ships with autonomous learning and evolutionary capabilities, encompassing multiple dimensions, multiple time-space scales, multiple states, and multiple physical quantities, with autonomous vessel digital remote support control as the core. This system aims to break through key technologies in ship autonomous navigation control, remote operation status monitoring and diagnostics, proactive prediction and optimization of operational status, remote maintenance and deep interaction, complex environmental situation inference, and multi-vessel global coordinated operation. Through application and demonstration validation on research and experimental vessels, the project aims to achieve remote remote control and virtual autonomous navigation in operational sea areas, as well as automated berthing and unberthing, collision avoidance, and route planning, among other objectives.



· Harbin Engineering University | 哈尔滨工程大学

· Wuhan University of Technology | 武汉理工大学

· Dalian Maritime University | 大连海事大学

· Huazhong University of Science and Technology | 华中科技大学


Call for Participates and Introduction Meeting at ICNAME2024 | ICNAME2024会议JIP项目发布会:2024.8.23

First Meeting at Harbin Engineering Univ. | 第一次会员会,地址哈尔滨工程大学: 2024.8.25

The framework of a collaborative R&D platform for the ship digital twin platform is initially established | 初步建成船舶数字孪生研发平台框架 截止于:2024.12

Achieving multi-party collaboration and promoting the construction of digital twin systems under a multi-party cooperation model. | 实现多家协同,推动多方协作模式下的数字孪生系统构建. 2025.8

Real ship verification. | 实船验证. 2025.12

Submit a draft standard for ship digital twin to IMO | 向IMO提交船舶数字孪生标准草案.2026.08

CONTACT | 联系方式

JIP Contact:Prof. Liu Zhilin|项目联系人: 刘志林教授 13766839393



Harbin Engineering University provides a digital twin R&D engine based on the self-proposed SDT-FMI standard. Together with Wuhan University of Technology, Dalian Maritime University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, as well as relevant foreign institutions, we will jointly build a digital model library for smart ships, construct an operational database for smart ships, and develop an autonomous iteration algorithm library for smart ship models. This will form a complete operational ecosystem, promote the improvement of the platform and the model library, and ultimately create the conditions for standard publication.



· 项目所提出的SDT-FMI标准得到国际同行认可,项目所开发的船舶数字孪生引擎经过国内外同行试用迭代,达到可广泛推广能力。

· 成员单位基于平台支持,积累和完善自身的数字模型库,提升各自在船舶数字孪生领域的技术水平和影响力。

· 推动数字孪生技术在船舶领域的进一步发展。

· The SDT-FMI standard proposed by the project has been recognized by international peers, and the ship digital twin engine developed by the project has undergone trials and iterations by domestic and foreign peers, achieving the capability for widespread promotion.

· Based on the platform support, member will accumulate and improve their own digital model libraries, enhancing their technical level and influence in the field of ship digital twins.

· This will drive the further development of digital twin technology in the maritime sector




Harbin remote support control center:The remote support control center is designed with multiple large display screens (9x1, 3x3, 2x2, totaling 22 screens), which are used to display ship virtual simulation environment, ship navigation situational awareness information, real-time remote control information, and more, providing operators with comprehensive visual displays.


Research Vessel "Dolphin": The 25-meter "Dolphin" research vessel is used for validating and demonstrating intelligent technologies. The vessel is equipped with remote control, autonomous navigation, automatic berthing and unberthing


Harbin Engineering University provides a digital twin R&D engine, and participating units can access digital models, algorithmic models, and experimental data through standard interfaces. Each participate voluntarily chooses whether to make their models, algorithms, and data public or keep them private. | 哈工程提供数字孪生研发引擎,各参与单位通过标准接口接入数字模型、算法模型、试验数据,各单位自愿选择模型、算法数据公开或不公开。

Full membership | 全会员资格:

Full members are required to connect their models, algorithms, and data, participate in the planning of the project and the determination of experimental content, obtain all experimental data results, and can customize the required experimental content and data results. Full members are exempt from membership fees. | 全会员需接入模型、算法和数据,共同参与项目的策划及试验内容的确定,获得全部试验数据结果,并且可定制所需的试验内容及数据结果。全会员免会员费。

Limited membership | 有限会员资格:

Participates in project planning and limit access to the requested test results. Membership fees based on the number of requested results. | 参与项目的策划、可获得部分要求的试验结果。会员费根据所需求的数据结果交纳。

Observers | 观察员:

Participates in planning meetings and no access to experimental data and results. Free to participate with permission. | 参与策划会议,不拥有试验数据和结果。经同意免费参加。