Innovation & Cooperation in Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering Association

Center for Underwater Robot Exploring the Frigid Underworld of Winter Fishing

date: Jan 11, 15 views: 2275

The jubilant scene of the good harvest of winter fishing in Chagan Lake are broadcast in CCTV News in the end of this year. These scenes under the ice world, such as drawing the rod, linning the net, going hook and fishing, are praised and become a major bright spot the news reports, shooting from all the angles by the under robot which is indenpendently developed by the Team of Center for Underwater Robot.

From December 23, 2014 to December 26, 2014, 4 members of Team of the center for underwater robot including Wan Lei, invited by CCTV, come to Songyuan City , Jilin province to assist CCTV finnishing underwaeter filming of winter fishingin chaganhu. The test applies a home-grown underwater robot developed by the technology key laboratory of underwater robot.

Consideing alkalescence, poor visibility and low temperature which cause a lot of difficulties in filming, the members has equipped the underwater robot with some sets of devices including one underwater camera with pan-tilt, oneultra wide angle underwater camera, high lumen underwater lighting LED and four lamps. The ultra wide angle underwater camera can reach 180 degree field open angle, and the intensity of light of the high lumen underwater lighting LED can achieve 30000 lumens, greatly enhancing robot’s ability of underwater video recording. Through a watertight cable, the image captured by video cameras will be transmissed to the water monitoring platform which can adjust the two degree of freedom of the cradle head and brightness of underwater lamp, monitor underwater scene and store video in real time.

It is tested that the system fully adapts to the very cold and harsh environment. With underwater robot equipment, they can not only shoot underwater work, but also took out a spectacular fishing scene. The members of the team overcome the cold, muddy water and other on-site adverse conditions, greatly improve field of view and visibility of the underwater camera, effectively enhance the monitoring and recording function of the underwater video and ameliorate underwater video shooting effect under low visibility in the turbid water. They help CCTV successfully complete shooting task in the Chagan Lake. The series about the winter finishing has repeatedly broadcasted in CCTV news broadcast, news channels and international channels.