Innovation & Cooperation in Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering Association

China Classification Society Day

date: Sep 09, 21 views: 2310

On November 9th, the opening ceremony of the "China Classification Society Day" series of activities was held in the VIP meeting room of the Qihang Activity Center in the form of a combination of online and offline. MO Jianhui, President of China Classification Society, YAO Yu, President of Harbin Engineering University, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, and other leaders from China Classification Society Office, Personnel Department, Wuhan Institute of Standards, Dalian Branch and other departments, and heads of relevant departments and colleges of HEU, teacher and student representatives attended the opening ceremony.

 XIA Guihua, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, presided over the ceremony.

In his speech, YAO Yu reviewed the long-term cooperation between HEU and China Classification Society in scientific research, technology, and personnel training. He hoped that on the basis of consolidating the results of existing cooperation, the two sides will take advantage of the situation to deepen practical cooperation in the areas of serving the national strategic needs and regional economic development, in technical cooperation, the transformation of scientific research results, and personnel training. Both sides will jointly contribute new and greater strength to the development of the country's marine industry.

In his speech, MO Jianhui introduced the new form and content of this year’s "China Classification Society Day" activities, and said that the development goals of the two sides are highly compatible and highly complementary. On the basis of the comprehensive cooperation between the two sides, they will carry out long-term cooperation in "production, study and research" to help HEU transform advanced technology into high-tech products and serve the strategy of building a strong country in transportation.

During the opening ceremony, based on the early cooperation between the two parties in the formulation of the "Inland Watercraft Power Code" and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology's high-tech ship and inland watercraft special cooperation, the two parties will jointly build a "ship clean power joint laboratory". MO Jianhui and XIA Guihua held the signing ceremony of the "Joint Laboratory of Clean Power for Ships" on behalf of both parties.

LUO Xiaofeng, Director of the Wuhan Code Research Institute of China Classification Society, and REN Yijun, Secretary of the Party Committee of the College of Power and Energy Engineering of Harbin Engineering University, jointly unveiled the "Joint Laboratory of Clean Power for Ships".

With the strong support of China Classification Society, HEU obtained the GB15097 regulatory certification qualification at the beginning of this year, becoming the first domestic university to obtain the double C qualification for marine engine emission testing. WANG Baochun, Deputy General Manager of China Classification Society Dalian Branch, issued a qualification certificate to the Engine Emission Testing Center of Harbin Engineering University.

During the event, the two parties also jointly held a series of activities such as the 2021 China Classification Society Online Recruitment System and the "CCS Lecture" seminar.