Innovation & Cooperation in Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering Association

HEU and BV held an online conference on ICNAME 2021 and the summit forum

date: Oct 04, 21 views: 3918

On 10:00 am, 27th Sep. 2021, HEU and BV held a fruitful cooperation online conference. Vice President: Prof. Guihua XIA,Dean of computer science college: Prof. Chengtao CAI ,Vice Dean of Naval Architecture & Ocean Engineering college: Prof. Ye LI ,Vice Dean of AI college: Prof. Zhilin LIU ,Deputy Director of Scientific Research dept.: Chongna ZHONG ,Deputy Director of international communication dept.: Sijia LIU from HEU and Senior Vice President: Alex Gregg-smith ,Regional Director, Operations: Ersin EREN ,Director of Marketing & Sales, Huatao JIANG, Head of Innovation Technology Department: Georgios REPTAKIS , Cyber specialist: John SUNS ,Head of ATRC: Guojian CHEN  attended the meeting.

First, Prof. Guihua XIA introduced the  HEU overall and her development of digital & smart. then  Guojian CHEN presented the BV overall and BV progressing in digital & SMART, sustainable.

Second, the both sides communicated and discussed on proposing to hold ICNAME both on and off line in Nov at Qingdao campus.BV shanghai and BV Paris would attend online. The main topic of ICNAME 2021 will be“Digital and SMART ship” & “Green Ships”. HEU and BV would co-organize the Summit forum titled “digital, green, smart”.

Third. HEU proposed a JIP on “digital ship”BV showed great interested to join it.

The detailed Scope would be detailed in the following meeting.