Innovation & Cooperation in Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering Association

The Academic Exchange Seminar of “Joint Industry Project (JIP) for Ship Digital Twin Software Platform” and “Joint Industry Project (JIP) for Marine Object Intelligent Perception Dataset” Was Successfully Held

date: Aug 28, 24 views: 1338

On August 24, the launch seminar of the "Joint Industrial Project for Ship Digital Twin Software Platform" and the "Joint Industrial Project for Marine Object Intelligent Perception Dataset" was held in Room 5123 Building 61. Xiang Xianbo from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Feng Hui from Wuhan University of Technology, Liang Xiao from Dalian Maritime University, Peng Zhouhua and Sun Wu from China Classification Society, Li Changwei from Beijing Highlander Digital Technology Co., Ltd., Yang Bo from Shanghai Merchant Ship Design and Research Institute (SDARI), Liu Bin from CSSC 704 Research Institute, Xia Zhaodan from CSSC 708 Research Institute, Zhang Zhi and Su Li, etc from Harbin Engineering University (HEU) attended the seminar. Liu Zhilin, the deputy dean of College of Intelligent System Science and Engineering of HEU, presided over the meeting.

In the seminar, the“ JIP for ship digital twin software platform” and “JIP for Marine Object Intelligent Perception Dataset” were introduced. The work basis of HEU in the early stage in related aspects and the follow-up work were also introduced. The participators fully discussed the follow-up JIPs. The projects are dedicated to establishing a digital twin software platform for ships based on FMI standards and constructing an intelligent perception dataset for marine targets. After being trialed by domestic and international peers, the digital twin platform and dataset will be promoted and used both domestically and internationally. The participators should accumulate and improve their own ocean target data, models and algorithms, and enhance their technical level and influence in the field of ocean intelligent perception. Scholars attending the seminar had in-depth exchanges with the representatives of the enterprises on the further co-operation of the follow-up JIP projects, and reached a preliminary consensus.
