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Acoustic Technology

date: Jan 08, 14views: 1953

Acoustic Technology:

    To meet the technical requirements of offshore oil and gas projects, manned submersibles and other deep-sea underwater exploration and operations, it is necessary to develop technologies like non-cooperative target network detection, three-dimensional marine environment monitoring, deep-sea highly reliable positioning and communications. It can improve the reliability of acoustic detection and monitoring equipment under deep-sea environment. ICNAME aims to develop the prototype of underwater positioning system, detecting system and communication system with independent intellectual property and build deep-sea underwater detection and monitoring network so as to provide deep-sea engineering with communication support for communication, monitoring, positioning, navigation, remote control and security.


1. Ultra-short Baseline
    Because of its easy installation and use, ultra-short baseline positioning system is widely used in the underwater positioning. Harbin Engineering University has solved the key techniques for ultra-short baseline underwater positioning including the high accuracy signal processing algorithm and position error calibration in installation with the outfield test for many times. Here it has achieved the engineering of equipment and got installed in a large scientific research ship. With acoustic positioning accuracy at 0.2% oblique distance, positioning at 8 kilometers, the technology in HEU is quite advanced in the world.

2. The ship vibration noise test and evaluation technology
    For the concern of ship safety and environmental protection, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) embraces ship underwater noise indicator in the assessment of performance.
With long-term commitment to ship underwater radiation noise test and research work in aspects of noise source identification, Harbin Engineering University developed the “Motor-type Ship Radiated Noise Measuring System”, the measurement system for the measurement of ship underwater radiation noise in the condition of buoy or latent standard, with strong capability in noise measurement, wide scope, stable performance, small volume, light weight, easy to wash and recycle, etc. at a leading level in China. Besides, a series of special ship noise source identification methods have been developed like the "Underwater Sound Intensity Acoustical Holography Measurement" and "Underwater Acoustic Imaging Measurement", with the development of a series of noise test and analysis system, which are widely used in some professional enterprises.

3. The multi-beam sounding technology
    For many years Harbin Engineering University has focused on the researches about basic theory of multi-beam sounding, the multi-beam sonar sounding overall scheme design and engineering implementation, with a leading position in China after successful development of four generations of shallow multi-beam sounding sonar of different technical indicators and technical characteristics in filling the domestic blanks, which have been widely used by CNOOC, Petrochina, the Hydrographic Department of Heilongjiang Province, Hailar Maritime Safety Administration and the professional graphic companies. Now, the development of the fifth generation of shallow multi-beam sounding sonar is going on with technical indicators reaching an advanced level across the world.

4. Doppler Log
    Doppler log is an important instrument for the autonomous navigation of ships. Compared with the conventional log, the phased-array Doppler log enjoys advantages of small volume, light weight and high precision, representing the development direction of log. Harbin Engineering University has broken through the key technologies for this research after completing the outfield test for many times and application in several types of equipments. With engineering and serialization, the equipment has reached outranks others in the world.

5. Underwater acoustic communication and communication network technology
    Over the years of commitment to underwater acoustic communication and underwater acoustic communication network technology research, Harbin Engineering University has a number of leading research achievements including remote communication in the deep sea navigation, distributed information network for navigation, underwater digital voice communications, underwater covert communication with high reliability, high speed underwater acoustic communication and network technology. Moreover, high speed underwater acoustic communication network punctuation and deep-sea full-duplex underwater acoustic communication node that can be used in the shallow water are born here.

Future Research Directions:

(1) Research on overall technology of deep-sea underwater acoustic integrated network;
(2) Research on deep-sea underwater detection technology;
(3) Research on high-precision integrated positioning technology;
(4) Research on transmission technology of acoustic information network.

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