lnnovation&cooperation in naval architecture&marine engineering alliance

About Us

The University Of Strathclyde (Great Britain)

date: May 15, 17views: 2448

Research at Strathclyde crosses the traditional boundaries between disciplines to address the important challenges facing our world today. As well as support for research strength in all academic subjects, we actively pursue collaborative and multidisciplined research initiatives.

Strathclyde is a centre for innovation, connecting high-quality research to outcomes that have real impact. We provide leading-edge research facilities that encourage co-location of researchers with our external partners. By developing strategic alliances with world-class academic institutions and organisations, we further develop our mechanisms for transferring our knowledge and technologies to leading, international companies. We aim to capitalise on major investment in infrastructure by creating an enviable research culture, so that we continue to attract high-calibre staff, researchers and students.


