Innovation & Cooperation in Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering Association

The 2023 Energy Saving and Emission Reduction Conference of Shipbuilding Engineering Academic Committee of China Shipbuilding Engineering Society Was Successfully Held at Harbin Engineering University

date: Dec 23, 23 views: 1808

On December 23, 2023, the “2023 Energy Saving and Emission Reduction Conference of Shipbuilding Engineering Academic Committee of China Shipbuilding Engineering Society” was successfully held at Harbin Engineering University. This meeting was sponsored by the Energy Saving and Emission Reduction Branch of Shipbuilding Engineering Academic Committee of China Shipbuilding Engineering Society, hosted by Harbin Engineering University and co-sponsored by Shipbuilding Engineering magazine. This meeting takes “double carbon, energy saving, and emission reduction” as the theme to create a high-level academic exchange platform for ship energy conservation and emission reduction.

